Patient Physiotherapy Testimonial – Dennis’s Story

Dennis explains how the physiotherapy provided by Therapies on Thames helped during his rehabilitation and how much his life and mobility has improved since his treatment. “I live in Spain and last December I suffered a condition called temporal arthritis. This took a form of a horrendous headache followed by an attack on my optic…

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Multidisciplinary Teams Working for Integrated Care

Integrated Multidisciplinary Teams Working for Efficient Elderly Care Multidisciplinary therapy and clinical teams aim to deliver effective, well-coordinated patient care through an integrated group of specialist healthcare personnel, procedures, and disciplines. Most healthcare professionals specialise in a specific area of therapy or rehabilitation, and so the integrated multidisciplinary approach allows for individual health professionals to…

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Home Adaptations for the Elderly and People with Mobility Issues

Are you or someone you know struggling with going up the stairs or reaching worktops due to a recent or developing change in mobility? You’re not alone. 8% of households in England have at least one person with a longstanding physical or mental health condition that requires home adaptations. One of the best ways to address accessibility…

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Postural Imbalance in the Elderly: Main Aspects

Postural Imbalance is a condition affecting many elderly people each year, but what is postural imbalance, how is it caused and how can it be managed? Postural Imbalance is when groups of muscles that would usually work together, or against each other to provide strength and movement, do not have the equal strength or flexibility (length)…

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Rehabilitation Specialist Wins NHS Contract to Deliver Services to Reduce Length of Hospital Stay

Wokingham-based Therapies on Thames has been awarded an NHS contract to deliver specialist pre-discharge occupational therapy and physiotherapy treatment to elderly inpatients with the aim of safely reducing the duration of hospital stays. Working with Southern Health CCG and Alton Hospital, the Therapies on Thames team will help to facilitate patient flow from an acute…

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Elderly Fall Prevention Rehabilitation Programme

Falls can be very serious in our later years, due to the aging body not able to repair itself as effectively as it once used to. The consequences of a fall for an elderly person can easily cause fractures, bleeds and tissue damage that will have a lasting impact on our health and mobility. Fortunately,…

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Physiotherapy Exercises for the Elderly to Help Maintain Independence

Physiotherapy Exercises for the Elderly to Help Maintain Independence We all understand the importance of exercise in remaining fit and healthy, but as we grow older, our mobility naturally reduces, making certain exercises difficult to participate in. Fortunately, there are many different physiotherapy exercises that are suited to the older person, helping them to maintain…

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Rehabilitation Options for Elderly Stroke Patients

Stroke rehabilitation comprises a range of different therapies which help stroke survivors regain quality of life and return to pre-stroke levels of activity, mobility, speech, and cognitive function. Over 100,000 people in the UK have a stroke each year, with strokes affecting people of all ages. The type of rehabilitation programme that a stroke survivor…

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John’s Rehabilitation Journey with Therapies on Thames

Initial Assessment Following a long period in hospital, John (aged 90) was discharged to a care home as he was no longer able to continue living independently as he was before his admission. He had experienced limited therapeutic intervention in an acute NHS Trust over Christmas. He was discharged in January and had lost a…

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What is Hand Therapy?

Hand therapy is a specialised form of physiotherapy and occupational therapy performed by specialist hand therapists. Hand therapists are professional physiotherapists or occupational therapists who provide specialist treatments to elderly patients who suffer from loss of function in their hand, arm, or shoulder. These treatments can include scar management, retraining, stretching, and resistance exercises. Our hand therapists…

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